Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Color: a visual attribute of things that results from the light they emit or transmit or reflect; "a white color is made up of many different wavelengths of light" The first time the word color is transcribed in The Bible (KJV) is Leviticus 13:55. But the Hebrew equivalent of the same is present in Genesis 3:5 and is transcribed as "eyes". In Leviticus the qualifications of leprosy were defined by the color of the infected area and in Genesis Satan was convincing Eve to eat of the forbidden fruit that her eyes would be open. There is a connection.

Eden was a black and white paradise. I'm not referring to the literal optical perceptions of the physical eye; I am referring to the moral perceptions of the spiritual eye. There was only one rule: don't eat of the tree!! If you do, you die!! No in between!! No grey areas!! Grey didn't exist in the moral color spectrum of humanity until the human eye got involved. Sin wasn't an option until Eve looked upon the fruit and she saw that it was pleasant to the eye. Satan generates and operates within grey areas consisting of black and white principles. In other words, determining the margins of morality is impaired when the grey areas are presented to the fleshly eye.

Jesus said: "If your eye offends you, pluck it out.." (Matt. 18:9). Jesus wasn't speaking of self mutilation but rather spiritual preservation. "I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes:" (Ps. 101:3) Jesus was emphasizing what the Psalmist had already said; whatever you're viewing that is destroying your moral resolve must be amputated.

The problem arises in the grey areas. Is it black or is it white?? Is it right or wrong?? The shades of grey are the most difficult for the eye to distinguish. This is where The Spirit of God comes in. "But ye have an unction from The Holy one and ye know all things." (John 2:20) John was addressing the issue of the Antichrist being present in the world. God in his omniscience came in the flesh to fulfill the law due to the fact that black and white rules alone would not work in a world of grey shades. This is why he simplified the law down to 2 all-inclusive rules then followed up by sending a comforter, an unction, to dwell within us. The Spirit of God dwelling within us is means by which His children sort through the shades of grey.

Leprosy is the typifier of sin in The Bible. Before the color of leprosy shows up on the outside it attacks the optical muscular structure. Satan will rid you of your moral perception before he manifests the disease of immorality throughout your person. While you may not have the color of crimson on your outer man, be certain that your moral resolve isn't clouded by shades of grey.

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